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Art education courses

Junior high school

1st year: The pleasure of drawing and fun with art—four hours per week

Art A
Students develop a love for and enjoyment of artistic expression through activities such as watercolor painting and ceramic pottery. Students learn to appreciate the joy and pleasure of creating artworks and develop an interest in art.

2nd year: Discovering passion and surprises—four hours per week

Art B
Students learn new techniques using a variety of materials to acquire creative skills and experience the pleasure associated with using the medium of art for expression and creation.

3rd year: Learning about diversity of expression—four hours per week

Fundamentals of painting
Students practice rendering desktop objects in rough sketches and watercolors, and learn about how to visualize and draw subjects. By studying the importance of form and composition—which are the fundamentals of artistic expression—students acquire the fundamental foundation necessary for further study.
Fundamentals of design
Through color expression and creation in three dimensions, students develop an interest in the plastic arts. They look around themselves and realize that various things have been designed by human hands. They acquire presentation skills; in other words, the ability to explain in their own words their creative intentions and what they want to convey. In this way, students acquire the fundamental foundation for further study of design in senior high school and beyond.

Senior high school

Fundamental practical techniques
Over the three-year period from the first year of senior high school through to the third year, students develop their skills in painting and the plastic arts—which are the fundamentals of artistic endeavor—via a combination of sketching, technical art and solid form modeling. The sketching component covers the characteristics of different drawing materials (such as pencil and charcoal), composition, the use of light and shade, and emotion and texture. The technical art and solid form modeling component explores the pleasures of artistic expression in the plastic arts, with a comprehensive examination that covers techniques in ceramics, dyes and metals, as well as solid materials such as clay and stone.

1st year: Exploring the possibilities of art—six hours per week + one hour of art history

Painting Ⅰ
Students tackle watercolor and oil painting techniques and embark on an in-depth study of the diversity of the fundamentals of painting expression. They learn about diversity of expression and in the process broaden their own possibilities.
Design Ⅰ
Students learn the fundamentals of design, including plane composition and the use of color. They also explore the connections between society and design, and the relationship between self and design in the wider context of design diversity.

2nd year: Broadening the range of expressions—eight hours per week

Painting course

Painting Ⅱ
Students learn the techniques and characteristics of oil painting while enhancing their fundamental understanding of the painting process. The course also covers aspects of art history and specific elements of creativity, as part of the broadening of their range of painting expressions.

Design course

Design Ⅱ
Students contribute to exploit the fundamentals and techniques of design in order to broaden their range of expression, explore areas of specialization, and examine the importance of design in the wider world.

3rd year: Towards the future—ten hours per week

Painting course

Painting Ⅲ
Students continue to learn about the universality of art through regular daily classes, and explore advanced forms of expression for the future. Students also submit a highly accomplished graduation piece that illustrates their individual brand of creativity and their view of the world.

Design course

Design Ⅲ
Through specialized design work, students develop highly creative expressions and techniques, examine topics and concepts of interest to them, and work on producing a highly accomplished graduation piece.